Wednesday, February 18, 2015


"Art is the sanctification of nature, the nature of all that enjoys life ..." 
- Maurice Denis

Everything was easy in the childhood, wasn’t it?
In any case, it was easier than now. We all believed in an existence of Wonderland, where animals live safely (like at Brehm’s book illustrations), fish swim sedately in transparent water, iridescent beetles jump on stems, amazing flowers cover ground. All in bright colors.

With age our children imagination is sprayed under the influence of adult routine. Color palette disappears.

But one painter decided not to leave dream world. He implemented it at canvases. Paradise lives in his paintings.

Eugene Leshchenko was born in 1952 in Ukraine. Masterpiece of nature always inspired him. Eugene, how he say about himself, is founder of direction ‘’Paradise art’’, Merited Artist of Ukraine, winner of the International Biennale 1998. His painting were successful exhibited in London, Paris, New York, Chicago, Washington, Toronto, Bonn. And there are whole museum named after Leshchenko in Japan. Eugene's works are in private collections in Russia, France, Great Britain, USA, Canada, Japan, Czech Republic, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden.

Retreating to his quiet home, away from the bustle and hustle capital, Leshchenko write his idyllic, serene harmony full picture, which tries to embody the utopian dream of a life in tandem with nature, away from modern society.

Lyrical paintings of Eugene Leshchenko can enjoy forever. And this is the only measure of true creativity. No doubt, Paradise is exist. It’s Wonderland, where animals live safely, fish swim sedately in transparent water, iridescent beetles jump on stems, amazing flowers cover ground. All in bright colors!

"Cat's World" was named the best at the International Biennial 1998.  It won the Grand Prix
Autumn Gifts

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